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Roo I Macleod
Apr 10, 20152 min read
The Hapless Writer-Blogging is bad
Writers Blog 100415 My worst fears have been realized ... Blogging Don’t Sell Books Oh yeah, that’s the score. But let’s get the...
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Roo I Macleod
Apr 4, 20153 min read
The Hapless Writer-Adpit, the journey
Writers Blog 27022015 My worst fears have been realized… Let me first mention the weight, ‘cause I’ve neglected to share how that’s...
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Roo I Macleod
Apr 4, 20152 min read
The Hapless Writer-Nobody listens
Writers Blog 300315 My worst fears have been realized... Day 88 into my no beer diet and I have lost exactly 8 pounds. For a while, like...
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Roo I Macleod
Feb 16, 20152 min read
The Hapless Writer-The Writers Platform
Writers blog 160215 My worst fears have been realized... I finished NO MORE HEROES yesterday. A two year journey had come to an end. And...
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Roo I Macleod
May 1, 20133 min read
The Hapless Writer
The Hapless Writer Writers Blog 181114 Week 8 My worst fears have been realized… The novel is back from the editor and she hasn’t been...
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Roo I Macleod
A Death Can Inspire
Sankofa by Chibundu Onuzo features Anna Bain as its main character. She is a middle aged, unfulfilled lady, trying to decide if she...

Roo I Macleod
It's a dark and evil lonely place
Dorothy B Hughes novel In a lonely Place reeks menace and oozes evil. It blankets its story in darkness and mists, which blur and obscure...

Roo I Macleod
Catching a Sparrow is Easy-Coming Soon
In the dystopian world of Albion Minor, drugs and knife crime rule the capitol, Old London Town. To rid the city of this blight the Man...
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